
One head one vote, participation, mutualistic nature, non-speculative nature, open door, intergenerational solidarity, intercooperative solidarity, mutuality towards the outside. These are the eight principles founding cooperation, a way of doing business that combines competitive challenges and innovation with the concepts of solidarity, collaboration and democracy.

The 4,000 members of Agrintesa are represented, in the various territories in which they operate, by delegates who act as a trait d'union between the members and the governance bodies of the cooperative. All the delegates constitute the Advisory Committee which has the task of discussing general problems concerning the management of the Cooperative and shall hold office for 3 years.

The Administrative Body consists of 29 members plus 3 members of the Statutory Auditors and shall office for 3 financial years. The current President of Agrintesa is Aristide Castellari - Vice Presidents Lenzarini Pier Giorgio and Drei Raffaele.

The Administrative Body is supported by 2 Executive Committees: the one Fruit and Vegetables and the other a Winery called to deepen specific issues and to deliberate on particular issues related to the respective sector.

The General Management of the Cooperative is entrusted to Cristian Moretti who avails himself of Management Committee's collaboration.

The Supervisory Body supervises compliance with the provisions of the Organizational Model adopted by the cooperative.



Advisory Committee              Administrative body             ODV              Executive Committees              Board of management



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