Our sales points

All our experience, quality and freshness that distinguish our products, besides daily reaching the major distribution centers around the world, are available to local consumers in our 17 stores.

In addition to the wide assortment of seasonal fruit and vegetables, conferred by our associates, you can find bulk and bottled wines of our production, oil, honey, organic Brio products, and a wide range of confectionery, fruit juices and vegetable preserves of Cirio and Valfrutta brand.

Our staff, prepared and available, will provide you with tips to make the best use of our products or propose unusual combinations for our wines that you will find bottled and ready for cosumption and in the practical bag-in box but also in bulk, to fill five liter glass damas and demijohns, that you can buy directly in the store.

The extreme flexibility of our structure, organized with a specific "shopping platform" allows us to develop supplies to canteens and restaurants and to make gift baskets for particular customer needs, in a direct relationship between the producer and the consumer that is a guarantee of quality and savings.

In our "Gallery", we offer you some suggestions for delicious and elegant gift ideas in the name of health and good drink that will certainly be appreciated by those who will receive them.

We also inform you that Agrintesa sales points are part of the cooperative network "HERE FROM US" promoted by Fedagri - Confcooperative which since 2010 has set itself the goal of "networking" and detecting the sales points of the associated cooperatives throughout the national territory.

The "HERE FROM US - Agricultural Cooperatives" brand promotes the "cooperative product" identifying it as a bearer of tangible values such as genuineness, traceability / trackability, quality, freshness, as well as intangible values such as the territory, the environment, people, culture, traditions that are considered to be distinctive and proper of the cooperative enterprise.

For more info: www.quidanoi.coop



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Ci trovi: 
Bagnacavallo (RA)
Via Boncellino, 41
Tel. Tel. 0545 926650
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Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Via Loda, 119
Tel. 059 952511
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Cervia (RA)
Via P. Gervasi, 41
Tel. Tel. 0544 972114
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Cesena (FC)
Viale Marconi, 235
Tel. 0547 382547
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Cesena Foro Annonario (FC)
P.za del Popolo, 182
Tel. 0547 331865
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Cotignola (RA)
Via Canossa, 7
Tel. Tel. 0545 40153
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Faenza (RA)
Via G. Galilei, 3
Tel. 0546 623788
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Forlì (FC)
Via Correcchio, 17/C
Tel. 0543774333
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Gambettola (FC)
Via della Rotaia, 5
Tel. 0547 636316
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Lugo (RA)
via Quarantola, 32
Tel. 0545 27591
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Medicina (BO)
Via Canale, 32
Tel. 051 852934
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Mezzano (RA)
Viale staz. Glorie, 4
Tel. 0544 521612
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Ravenna (RA)
Via Lago di Como, 37
Tel. 0544 684144
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Russi (RA)
Via Faentina Nord, 54
Tel. 0544 581019
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S. Agata s. Santerno (RA)
Via Angolina, 12
Tel. 0547 636430
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